I have been really fortunate to travel to a lot of Europe and a few farther aware places in the past 9 years.
What started out as a one-off trip with Boo, my travel pal, has escalated to sometimes 2 or 3 trips a year, with our most distant being the recent trip in November to Bali and Singapore.
Sensational Singapore
When we are planning our trips, there is a particular list of things that are important to us. No, its not beaches or bars, but museums, places of historic interest and antiquity. We like to see the unusual and different.
The Sex Machine Museum in Prague, and The Museum of Broken Relationships in Zagreb were places we spent a few hours looking around, but our tastes run more to the classical; think Italian or Greek artefacts that thousands of people queue up to visit every year.
Pretty Prague
In the past year our list has had to expand in that there is a wheelchair to take into account. Whilst I don’t need the chair for short distances, I cannot spend a day touring a city without it.
My knee has deteriorated to the point of needing a whole knee replacement and until then, it isn’t going to get any better, in fact it will get worse. So, in the meantime, the wheelchair does the job.
This means that not all places are suitable for getting around and a little research has to be done.
Boo is excellent at this and knows a lot of people who have been to a lot of places.
Lovely Lithuania
When she came to me with the idea of a trip around Easter, we didn’t know where to start looking first. Several locations were discussed and we decided to have a look into them further.
Morocco was quite high on the list until Boo spoke to a colleague who knows the area quite well. She advised that it really wouldn’t be wheelchair friendly.
A similar option was Dubai.
However, as a newly developed area, it would be more than suitable for my mobility issues.
Irresistible Italy
It looked like Dubai was on for Easter.
Until Boo messaged me on evening and asked how I felt about Canada!
Wow, that was a bit of a swerve.
We discussed flights and costs and whether it would be somewhere that we could spend six days in. The verdict was yes and so all it took now was to check and see if I could get the time off from work,
Cracking Croatia
I duly put the request in and it came back a couple of days after as approved.
Sadly the costs of flights had risen dramatically so we decided we needed to have another rethink and see what other options or ideas we could come up with.
Fast forward a few days and Boo came back to me with a completely different direction.
Beautiful Bali
Instead of one long haul holiday at Easter, how about two holidays? Easter and May Bank, to be precise.
Well, you didn’t need to ask me twice!
So this Easter I will be wheeling myself around Helsinki, Finland and over the May Bank Holiday, the City of Luxembourg will be graced by two plus size adventurers.
Marvellous Marina By The Bay
Of course, there will be pictures galore and experiences to talk about.