Summer Break

Life has got very hectic in some good and also some bad ways for me.

Work is relentless and there are a few issues that need to be ironed out before it will become a little bit easier,

Home is even harder, but I am sorting things out… very slowly!

I have also been on a bit of a travel spree with the bestie, Boo.

In the last 3 months we have visited Finland, Buckinghamshire, Luxembourg, Disneyland Paris and I have just flown back from Budapest. Most of them are 3 or 4 day breaks, but much needed and much enjoyed.


The next two or three months are going to be full on; reaching 50, friends visiting from abroad, festivals, day trips and more.

There is not a lot of extra time at all. In fact, the one thing I have noticed that is really suffering is my blog. I either manage to get two or three written and posted and then a couple of weeks go by.

I need to make more time for sitting and writing, however that is simply not going to happen this summer.

Therefore, I have decided to take a 2 month blog break, which will be the first scheduled break ever.


This hopefully should allow me to write a bunch of blogs to get ahead of myself, get the photos taken and edited and give myself a chance to breathe.

I have to admit that this will be a bit of a test of endurance. Writing helps my mental health and I enjoy the whole process.

What I can’t stand is not being able to put my all in my writing and making an excellent job (if I say myself) of it.

Something has to give, so this is possibly the best way of sorting my life, self, blog and more out.

Hopefully that won’t stop you from reading my blogs and adventures, after all it is only 8 weeks and many of you have stuck with me for nearly 10 years, and I would hate to lose you now.


But I am hoping that in the long run, it will make life and my posting more consistent.

All I can say is, pop back in 8 weeks time and see just what I have been up to in the absence.

Thanking you for your continued support and I look forward to writing for you all soon

Till then
SPSG xxx