About Me!

So… Who am I, and why am I here?

Well, I’m Tanya, a 50 year old mother of twins, (who I affectionately call Baby Bear and Little Chick) who finally started to live and love life.

For too many years I was a fat, unhappy woman, who let my lack of confidence stop me from wearing and doing things I desperately wanted to do but was too frightened.

Upon hitting 40, I decided to stop worrying about everyone and everything and started to wear exactly what I had always wanted, ignoring opinions and mockery.

That included full petticoats, 50’s dresses, vintage accessories, hats and gloves. That evolved into more of a 40’s style and this also led to many of my adventures, including starting this blog, meeting some amazing people and having the time of my life!

I am now loving life in the Plus Size AND Vintage Communities, spending my time going to events, modelling, meeting up and experiencing everything I can.

For the past TEN years, I have said “What is the Worst that can happen?” and jumped in with both feet, with every opportunity offered.

So far, the worst has not happened, so I keep going.

Thank you for joining me on my travels and adventures.
