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Time For A Tattoo…

Time For A Tattoo…

I love my Tattoos. I have had a hand in the designs of all my tattoos from the very first to the last which is now around five years old. My first was across my lower back, A “tramp stamp” as they eventually came to be known. I helped draw the design and chose…

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Hello All, If you are a regular reader you will know of the great upheaval that I have had in my personal life and the effect that this has had on my writing and posting on social media. This has resulted in just over a month without a single blog being written. After an…

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Tropical Treats

Tropical Treats

Several months ago I attended a vintage weekend in Doncaster and had a whale of a time. I did write all about it and if I say so myself, it is quite a good read. If you fancy having a look, you can see it here. Whilst I was there, I had my hair…

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It has been a month since I have properly posted on my blog and my Instagram has also been very sporadic with only 4 posts since the 1st of June which is less than what I usually put out in 10 days! Thankfully my followers seem to have stuck with me which was down…

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Stop All The Clocks…

Stop All The Clocks…

If you have seen “Four Weddings and a Funeral” OR love poetry, you will invariably know the poem “Funeral Blues” by W.H Auden. Those clocks have now stopped for me, with the passing of my beloved Mum. This post isn’t to talk too much about her death, but to let out some of my…

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