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Calendar Girl

Calendar Girl

Back in the Summer of 2016 I wrote a post about taking part in a Charity Calendar Photo shoot with a lot of vintage friends from a Facebook group I am part of. The 40’s and 50’s Most Marvellous Meet-Ups has been running for a few years and has over 6000 members on the…

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You win some, you lose some…

You win some, you lose some…

As you may know, I recently entered a competition to become a Yours Blogger for a year and was lucky enough to be picked for the shortlisted ten finalists. Now the last part of the competition was to write a final blog and either send it to Yours Clothing direct, or post it on…

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Uniquely Yours.

Uniquely Yours.

As I said in my previous post, I actually wrote Two pieces for my final entry into the  Yours Clothing “Be The Blogger” Competition. Here’s Part Two! Things have been ticking along so very nicely with my blog. My readers are on the increase, my social media is getting better and I am loving…

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Yours, Truly

Yours, Truly

When I entered the Yours Clothing “Be the Blogger” competition I never for one second imagined I would get through to the final shortlist. After all, I am a small fish in a huge amazing lake full of the creme de la creme of  plus size bloggers. But I am swimming hard, dedicated to…

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The Perfect Planner

The Perfect Planner

For those long time readers of my blog, you may recall a blog I wrote this time last year about Personal planners. (click here to read my post) For the first time ever I had a planner that I used for the whole year. I didn’t lose it, I didn’t forget to write things…

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