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A very Merry Tiki Christmas

A very Merry Tiki Christmas

Saturday the 26th November saw me popping on yet another train to London. It was only last week that I has spent the weekend there and yet I was going back again. This time I was going down to the “I’m dreaming of a TIKI Christmas” party being held at Kanaloa Tiki Bar. Now,…

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Bittersweet Victory

Bittersweet Victory

A lot of my posts over the last couple have months have talked about the British Plus Size Awards. The Awards that never were. But this is the last one, I promise. When I started thinking about writing this post I imagined it would be a sort of “open letter” to Linda Koch, telling…

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Montcalm London City Suites – A Class of it’s own!

Montcalm London City Suites – A Class of it’s own!

As many of you know I went down to London recently for the (cancelled) British Plus Size Awards as I had been nominated for Best Plus Size Blog. I had saved up all year and had really pushed the boat out when it came to the hotel I had chosen. Booking several months in…

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Beautiful Budapest had an Ugly side too…

Beautiful Budapest had an Ugly side too…

If you have been reading about my recent adventures, you will know I had a five day trip away with my Blogger Babe, Boo. We visited all the sights, tried the food, drank the local beer and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. For most part. Now, I am not unrealistic enough to think we wouldn’t get…

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All that Glitters Is Not Gold – The Awards That Never Were

All that Glitters Is Not Gold – The Awards That Never Were

The highlight of the Plus Size Calendar, the British Plus Size Awards takes place every November in a glittering red carpet affair in London. Now, I have wanted to attend for the last two years but for various reasons have been unable to. This year I was determined to get there and started a…

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