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Pin Up Curl Creates Perfection

Pin Up Curl Creates Perfection

One of the first vintage people I knew about was the wonderful Sarah of Pin Up Curl. I had seen her on TV in a hair competition and loved her style. I was completely jealous of her hair techniques and wondered if I could ever do anything similar to my hair. To be honest,…

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Excitement at The Earl

Excitement at The Earl

This time last year I saw a lot of my vintage friends talking about a marvellous vintage event in Doncaster. Now I don’t think Doncaster is somewhere you would automatically think of as being the centre of vintage happenings, however I saw lots of photographs and social media posts all talking about a wonderful…

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Family Ties

Family Ties

If you have followed my blog for a long time, you will have heard about my extended family. Back in the late 1930’s my maternal grandparents got married in Leicester. Little did they know how their life was going to pan out. Grandad Henry and Granma Florrie ended up having 5 children (to my…

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Silky Siren

Silky Siren

Whilst wilfing around on the Interweb I came across a gorgeous dress which really caught my attention. A silky midi dress with a vibrant, swirly floral pattern in teal, orange, amber and black which was being sold on the Shein website. I have to admit that the dress was not something that would normally…

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Up…. An Obsession?

Up…. An Obsession?

I love a good animated film. In fact, I have been a Disney fan since childhood and this only got worse as I grew older and had my own money to spend on bits and pieces I liked. When the Disney Store opened in our area, well I was in my element. I was…

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