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Wishlist Woes… Random Rarities.

Wishlist Woes… Random Rarities.

Recently I did a Payday wishlist post about beautiful items I needed in my life. These all consisted of dresses and I was umming and aaahhing about what I was going to buy on payday. Dolly and Dotty very kindly sent me two of the items, which I talk about in my review here …

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Tainted Love

Tainted Love

I love London. I have talked a lot about London, both as a destination for family visits, and also my adventures. There is nothing I don’t love about London. Well. There wasn’t. Until last Saturday. As my regular readers know, I go to London a lot. Since my change in attitude and style, London…

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Fabulous Footwear from Fitflops

Fabulous Footwear from Fitflops

Last week I had the pleasure of a lovely email from an old friend. I hadn’t really heard from Rachel in years, apart from the odd Facebook interaction, so to get an email out of the blue was a bit of a surprise. Rachel contacted me on behalf of the company she is Business…

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Perfect Presents for the Birthday Princess!

Perfect Presents for the Birthday Princess!

So, I am going to be the ripe old age of 42 on the 4th July. Middle aged, yet still acting like a child (or so I get told frequently!) Now, as sensible as I know I should be, I am not ready yet to grab my zimmer frame and fade quietly in the…

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Blogging all over the World

Blogging all over the World

Yep, I can see you all now, playing your air guitar, doing the hip and shoulder movements whilst Status Quo plays in your head – you know the one I mean… How do I know it? Because I now have “Rockin’ All Over The World” going around in my head now too, but I have…

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