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And the winners are…….. The Curvy Convention

And the winners are…….. The Curvy Convention

Last year I attended my first ever Plus Size Event as a Blogger – The Curvy Convention. Held in London in May, I attended on my own not knowing what to expect at all. I was both excited and nervous, as a lot of the plus size community that I followed, read blogs by,…

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Delightful Dolly and Dotty does it again!

Delightful Dolly and Dotty does it again!

So, if you read my previous post on the wonderful range of dresses out there at the moment, called  Payday Pretties you will know I had a bit of a dilemma as to which item to treat myself to. Whilst doing the wishlist post, I was chatting to the lovely Lydia and Katie at…

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Franks is pretty good Fun

Franks is pretty good Fun

Last night I had the opportunity to join my fabulous friend H out a quick bite to eat. We decided to try a relatively new place in town, which belongs to a local chain of restaurants. I had been sent a lovely dress and cape by the amazing Dolly and Dotty, (which I will…

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Shoulda gone to specsavers…

Shoulda gone to specsavers…

Well, I could hardly resist using that jokey punchline. You know the one, the advert where a variety of people mess up something because their eyesight is poor and they haven’t gone and got it sorted. First of all, I am not one of those! I already know I am as blind as a…

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Payday pretties…

Payday pretties…

As you all know, I am pretty much addicted to my dresses. Now for some, it may seem like I have far too many, and to others it may be strange that I need so many. For me it is logical and common sense. I don’t own any “regular” clothes anymore. Mine have been…

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