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The rise of vintage in a plus size world

The rise of vintage in a plus size world

A couple of months ago, I had a lovely email from the amazing Betty Pamper asking about my opinions on the rise and popularity of Plus Size Vintage styling. This was for a seminar she was hosting at LondonEdge, and she wanted to get a range of peoples thoughts and advice to the companies out…

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Les Miserables with La Famille!

Les Miserables with La Famille!

Monday 4th of April saw the arrival of a day I had been waiting for, for several years! Finally I was off to the theatre to see Les Miserables. This truly was an occasion to celebrate! Les Mis is one of my all time favourite musicals, and I’ve been trying to get to see…

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Rally Round for Reid

Rally Round for Reid

A couple of weeks ago, a random Thursday evening saw Baby Bear, Mum and I travelling over to a local Football club for a Charity Fashion show. Strange place for a fashion show, you might say? Well, yes. It might not be the first place you might think of, but this was a fashion…

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When I started blogging 14 months ago, I had very little social media presence, apart from Facebook. I didn’t use Twitter very much, (and still not as much as I should) and Instagram was something I never went on. In the past year I have somehow managed to garner nearly 3500 followers on Instagram. In…

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Eggs-Ellent Easter

Eggs-Ellent Easter

Although I understand the significance of the Easter Festival, I haven’t been a practicing Christian for some time. So, for me Easter is a time of happiness and getting to be with my family. This has been even more important this year, as Little Chick is in a different part of the Country. Thankfully, We…

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