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Christmas day? More like PJ day!

Now that the festive season is very truly upon us, thoughts turn to the annual task of buying, storing, preparing and serving the Christmas Day Dinner…. Well, in some households! Christmas Day Dinner doesn’t happen in our house and hasn’t for around 15 years. The funny thing is when I tell most people that,…

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A little Christmas kindness

****** TRIGGER WARNING – BEREAVEMENT ****** Originally posted in December 2015  With less than two weeks to go until Christmas, most people are rushing around hastily buying gifts, making food shopping lists and generally getting into the Festive Spirit. But Christmas time can be a difficult time for many people. The prospect of getting…

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Large ladies do London

Not content with travelling to Europe for a Jolly, I found myself travelling up to London to meet up with some fellow blogger babes for lunch, giggles and a spot of shopping before Christmas. I thought I had a ticket on the 0700 train(it was the cheapest) so arrived at 0645, only to find…

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Most marvellous in Manchester

As most of you know, I have a love of vintage styles, clothing, hair and everything that goes with it. Because of this, I joined a wonderful group on Facebook called “40’s and 50’s Most Marvellous Meet ups” Now, this group has gone from strength to strength recently, and has over 4000 members, based…

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Wandering in wonderful Warszawa: Part 2

So, at the end of my last post, Boo and I had visited the amazing Ewa Michalak, taken part in a full on photoshoot and were getting ready for our two hour journey back to Warsaw. Before we left, Ewa and her sister, Gosia insisted on taking us for dinner at a local Polish…

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