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Wandering in wonderful Warszawa: Part 2

So, at the end of my last post, Boo and I had visited the amazing Ewa Michalak, taken part in a full on photoshoot and were getting ready for our two hour journey back to Warsaw. Before we left, Ewa and her sister, Gosia insisted on taking us for dinner at a local Polish…

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My new breast friends!

My new breast friends! Sorry…I just couldn’t resist another boob-related pun, especially as this is all about my recent Bra Adventure in Poland, and the final outcome of my braquest. As you all probably know, I recently visited Poland for a couple of days to see the amazing Ewa Michalak, bra maker extraordinaire, in her…

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Wandering in wonderful Warszawa: Part 1

Last week saw me leave my family and job behind and join up with my blogger friend Boo Brown on an amazing adventure! Those of you who read my blog regularly know I was planning to visit Poland and the amazing Ewa Michalak to try and get myself some lingerie, but incorporated it with a…

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Hallowe’en hijinks!

Normally I would have posted this a lot quicker, but to say I have had a manic couple of weeks is a bit of an understatement! However, as I had such a fun weekend doing this, I wanted to put the post out there, even though it’s a bit late! Now normally on Hallowe’en, I…

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Birthday blessings

I suppose I should start this post with a warning…. It’s going to get a bit sentimental and Slushy! This Monday morning heralds the birthday of not only my wonderful Daughters, but also my lovely Mum-in-law! Now, sharing your birthday with anyone is tricky (ask my twins) but Mum has had her special day…

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