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LindyBop love

LindyBop love

One of the loves of my life is LindyBop. This was really the first company that I ever tried when I started wearing vintage style clothing, and so far they have never let me down, with every single dress I have ever tried, becoming firm favourites AND perfect fits! So…. when they had a…

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Fabulous fatties do a fortieth

Fabulous fatties do a fortieth

On Sunday 2nd August I went to visit my friend Mookie for her 40th Birthday. Held in a lovely Small village type pub, all of her friends and family descended on her to share her wonderful day. This was made all the more special by the fact that her daughter Liv-Annie had travelled over…

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Feline fine

Feline fine

As part of the “Pin Up Picnic in the Park”, the wonderful British Belles ran a raffle to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Care. I of course, supported the fundraising by making a donation in my Fathers name. To my surprise, I was lucky enough to win TWO dresses! Well, of course, that was…

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Hats off!

Hats off!

In less than two weeks I am going away on a girlie ‘holiday’. Something I have never done before. My friends Helen, Jan, and I will be cramming ourselves into my little mini and driving (probably each other mad) 5+ hours up to Gretna Green. As you may have guessed, we are going to…

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The Kat’s Whiskers

The Kat’s Whiskers

This is a strange kind of post for me, as usually I am moaning about my boobs, or going off and having a jolly, or meeting up with other lovely bloggers and telling you all about it. Today though, I am going to tell you about one of the nicest ladies I have had…

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