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Right out of MY comfort zone

Right out of MY comfort zone

The adventure really does continue, and in this one I am actually ‘up to date’! By that I mean, it’s an adventure that I am shortly due to have. But it’s certainly one that takes me right out of my comfort zone! Tomorrow afternoon, my family and I are leaving for a Once in…

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Role models

Role models

Well…. As I previously explained, the prospect of hitting 40 last July, was what made me decide that time was passing me by. Too many years I had spent being frightened of standing out in a crowd and it really was a huge waste of time AND life! So far, I had been to…

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‘Normal’ service has been resumed…

‘Normal’ service has been resumed…

So, normal service has resumed…. Which begs the question, what is ‘normal’? I used to think my life was pretty normal – get up, sort the children out, go to work, housework, dinner, sleep and repeat. On my days off, I’d put on a nice frock, if I was lucky, pop out for lunch,…

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Dream on…

Well, what a couple of weeks I’ve had. Let’s hope that it starts to get much better, much quicker. Now, where was I? I think I was just about to go to Download14 (held in June) at Donnington. For a vintage kinda style gal, a heavy rock festival perhaps doesn’t seem like the kind…

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Not quite the blog you were expecting

This post was supposed to be all about my next adventure, which happened to be tickets to see my other idols, Aerosmith at Download2014. Supposed to be. To be honest, It’s a surprise to some that I can even write this blog, as I have had the absolute worst week of my life. Family…

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