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A Day at the Pooh-Seum

A Day at the Pooh-Seum

Whilst on our recent holiday in Sussex we found out that we were only 25 minutes away from Pooh Corner. For those of you who don’t have a clue what I am talking about, this is a museum, tea room and shop dedicated to that silly, willy, nilly old bear, Winnie The Pooh. Oh…

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Ravishing Rabbit

Ravishing Rabbit

The final of my evening gown reviews has to be my absolute favourite. If you have missed the others, you can recap here, here and here. This time though, it is the turn of a right bobby dazzler A rich red gown that has all the va-va-voom an elegant Christmas gown needs and lets…

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Eighty or Eighties?

Eighty or Eighties?

Last month saw both the birthdays of my Mother in Law and my two girls, Baby Bear and Little Chick. As many of you will know, they share the same birthday. This year was especially important as Mum was hitting the amazing age of 80 and we wanted to do something special. After much…

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Walking in a Wintery….Lincoln

Walking in a Wintery….Lincoln

I love a good Christmas market. Boo and I have visited them in Budapest, Prague, Lisbon, Birmingham, Ljubljana, and more. Hopping on a quick flight to Europe has allowed us to see a lot of beautiful European countries as well as get some unique little gifts. This year I stayed a lot closer to…

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Sunny Sunday at Twinwood

Sunny Sunday at Twinwood

So…. I have to apologise firstly for the delay in writing about the rest of my Twinwood adventure. I have let time get away from me, for various reasons. These include, illness, work commitments, other blogs needing immediate posting when it is for a review or just general forgetfulness and not realising just how…

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