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Fancy Floral Fashion

Fancy Floral Fashion

If you follow my Instagram, you will have seen a post a few weeks ago featuring a beautiful floral dress from T.K.Maxx Made by Ananya, I had never heard of or bought any items from this company , I wasn’t sure what the fit or the quality would be like. It was priced very…

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Southend Sneakiness

Southend Sneakiness

A few months ago I headed down to one of my favourite places; Southend. Now until a couple of years ago, I had never been to that part of the Country however I have had the pleasure of working with Miss Irregular Grace, owner of “LeKeux Essex” on a couple of photoshoots. The first one…

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She Wore Blue….Tartan?!

She Wore Blue….Tartan?!

Over the past few months I have been showing off a growing collection of garments from Miss Candyfloss, a Swedish repro vintage company. I had been lucky enough to come across a French company that had some fantastic bargains and I had splurged a little in the sales and had been showing off the…

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Lucy and Agatha

Lucy and Agatha

The other Saturday I headed to the theatre with my bestie, Helen to watch a performance involving Lucy and Agatha. Who ? You might ask. Well, two of my favourite ladies, in fact! The theatre was hosting ‘An Evening with Lucy Worsley’ who was going to be discussing her latest publication all about the…

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Training Day

Training Day

This past weekend saw me driving a couple of hundred miles up to Yorkshire! I had seen an event advertised online and it looked right up my street, so on a whim I booked a ticket and started looking for somewhere cheap to stay overnight. Now, for many that may be a drive too…

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