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Tempted by Fashion?

Like many people I peruse the internet looking for new things especially beautiful fashion. I have seen thousands of adverts for Xpluswear on every website I seem to go on and I have to admit to being drawn in by their stunning items. But, are they as good as they seem? Or is it…

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Alice Browns Awesome Blooms

Alice Browns Awesome Blooms

A couple of weeks ago I headed to The Festival of Vintage at York. If you missed my write-up, then you can see the full article here. Whilst I was there, I popped to see Alice Browns Cupboard, otherwise known as Anna and her lovely assistant, Mel. I had gone to see if she…

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Green Goddess

Green Goddess

I was bimbling about on the Shein website recently when I came across a stunner of a dress. Priced at £29.99 before discount, I popped it into my basket with a couple of other bits and happily paid for my things. In the end the dress came out at £22.07 which was a pretty…

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A Veritable Adventure in Venice

A Veritable Adventure in Venice

After arriving in Bologna yesterday afternoon, it was time for our first full day of touring. It was a Monday morning and we had a train to Venice booked for around 0830. Breakfast starts at 0700 so we arrived dead on the dot to grab some food before our journey. The hotel offered a…

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York Exceeds Expectations!

York Exceeds Expectations!

For the past few years I have intended to go to The Festival of Vintage at York Racecourse. Then of course the Pandemic hit and life came to a halt and everything got cancelled. For over two years things were pretty much at a standstill until last weekend with the resurgence of The Festival…

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