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20’s does 60’s

20’s does 60’s

I have written about my best friend Helen, who I met when we both started working at the same place over 17 years ago. Now, we have been on mini breaks, undertaken murder mysteries, gone to the theatre on multiple times, drank ourselves silly, spent many a night dining on good food and generally…

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Red Roses for a Blue Lady.

Red Roses for a Blue Lady.

I’ve always thought of my childhood home as a grand old lady. A large stone built building that is at least 200 years old (but probably older than that) She sits in the middle of the High Street surrounded by bushes and flower beds. Now before any says that buildings cannot have a gender…

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Just Peachy!

Just Peachy!

A few months ago I was contacted by the lovely Safina from ‘Peachista’ asking if I would like to review some of their athletic wear leggings. Now, whilst I am not the most able-bodied people, I like athletic wear for running errands, sitting writing blogs, housework and general chores. Whilst I would have previously…

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Loving Liverpool

Loving Liverpool

Most people know that I am now guardian for two relatives who have limited mental capacity. One is 77 and the other is 65 but both are mentally impaired and cannot read or write. Christmas is a big thing to them. They literally are like two small children who cannot wait to get into…

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If you are a regular reader, you may have read a blog about going to see “Unfortunate” the Musical in London, earlier this year. The untold story of Ursula the Sea Witch is a parody of The Little Mermaid and is both funny, naughty and very camp! All of the roles are played by…

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