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Marvellous Macarons

Marvellous Macarons

Long term readers will know of my continued love for Macarons. Those lovely crisp almondy flavoured shells filled with all the flavours. Not those minging coconut squishy things , usually with a glace cherry on the top. My favourite of all time is the LadurĂ©e Salted Caramel macaron which you can only get in…

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Revolution Remix

Revolution Remix

Readers may remember around the Christmas period I got a few cosmetics and facial products from Revolution in their Winter Sale. Of the new items I tried, I was really blown away by the Star Primer and the Thirsty Mood Quenching Booster. Well, I had nearly used both of my bottles up so I…

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Champagne Charlie is Me Name!

Champagne Charlie is Me Name!

If you think I am going to break into a old-time musical hall song, you are going to be completely wrong! In fact, what I am about to share is a new look for a special occasion. Last weekend was Leslie’s birthday and my wonderful Sister in Law, Angela organised an online zoom murder…

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Roaring Reading Glasses

Roaring Reading Glasses

Back in March of 2020 I went to the Opticians as I was struggling with my contact lenses, which I wear for long distance. I was finding that the print of my laptop and mobile phone just wasn’t crisp and clear which meant that my up till then perfect close vision was on the…

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Room Renewal

Room Renewal

In the 21 years I have lived in my current house, my bedroom has been decorated only three times. Whilst I have altered the furniture, curtains and duvets, the wall colours have pretty much stayed the same. In fact, the first decoration was actually not mine, but the children’s. We moved in when they…

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