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Taming the Curls?

Taming the Curls?

I have said it before and I will say it again… I am rubbish at doing hair. Well, kind of. Give me a French plait. No problem. Dutch plait? Sorted. Fishtail, Twist, Doubles, all manageable. I can even pull off a semi decent Victory Roll. What I cannot seem to get a grip on is…

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Challenging my Style?

Challenging my Style?

In recent months you will have seen I have become quite a fan of Shein. A bit odd to say, given that I am not really a ‘fast fashion’ kind of girl; more of a ‘oldie worldie’ kind of  gal. However, in recent months I have been seeing more and more vintage influenced clothing…

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Ta-ra Twinwood

Ta-ra Twinwood

For many of us, Twinwood is one of the highlights of the Vintage calendar. Held over the August Late Bank Holiday weekend, it is always a tricky one given the penchant for dodgy weather! Thankfully the years that I have attended Twinwood, have as a whole been quite kind, with last year being so…

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Joanna Fills me with Hope.

Joanna Fills me with Hope.

One of the only bonuses as a consumer during COVID-19 has been some of the sales that big companies have been holding. Of course, I feel terrible sorry for all the businesses that are struggling to survive, especially the small businesses that have almost been decimated by the Pandemic. Being married to someone who…

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It’s a Mystery!

It’s a Mystery!

If you have been a long time reader, you will know that I love a good murder mystery. Whether it is watching Miss Marple or Poirot on the telly, playing a game around the table or even dressing up and acting them out with friends, I just adore the final reveal (and also seeing…

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