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Time at the Temple

Time at the Temple

Back in March Boo and I went to Athens for a few days. I have written a few posts about each day when we were there, however I decided to do a singular post for a coach tour that we took on the Friday afternoon. This was mainly due to the fact that I…

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Perfect Paw-tography

Perfect Paw-tography

For those who read me regularly, you may recall a day out I had with my baba boy, Theodore the Chow-Chow. Now, Baba (as he is called affectionately) is a bit of a Diva. We have worked out that he is not overly bright, however he picks up on certain behaviours and once recognised,…

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Super Shein

Super Shein

Recently I have posted a couple of reviews on products from Shein, the fast fashion company. These have included the 1930’s beach pyjama article and some stunning dresses which I absolutely loved including the cape sleeved maxi dress. Shortly after my reviews I received an email from Shein asking if I would like to…

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Estrid Excellence

Estrid Excellence

Several weeks ago I had a lovely email from a lady called Sarah who had seen my Instagram and wondered if I would be interested in trying out and reviewing their fabulous female shaving system, Estrid. She pretty much had me at this line in her email – ‘Hair removal should be optional, however…

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Nailed It!

Nailed It!

In the past I have spoken about a friend I have that is very talented in so many ways! Jane and I first met at a plus size gathering and realised we were quite local to each other. We stayed in touch and have met up for meals, cups of tea and a bit…

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