Posts tagged ‘awardnominee’
page 123 of 136

Outfit Roundup May – June

Outfit Roundup May – June

When I did the outfit round-up for March – April it proved to be pretty popular, so I thought I would do it again. Gives you a chance to see just what I have been wearing over the past few weeks What is your favourite outfit? Are there any you literally cannot stand? I…

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Going back to the Glory Days.

Going back to the Glory Days.

Old fashioned cinemas are a thing of the past. Today it is all about the Multiplex, the IMAX and the out of town big chains, with their garish decorations and overpriced snacks. A far cry from the elegant cinemas of years gone by. Or it is? One such miracle of design is The Stockport…

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JamRockin’ good

JamRockin’ good

A few weeks ago we decided to give a local restaurant a go. Situated in our Town Centre, Jodi’s JamRock  is a small independently owned Caribbean eaterie. Originally starting up in 2013 as a mobile food wagon on a local industrial estate, Jodi’s became so popular that they took the plunge to open up a…

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Snakes Alive!

Snakes Alive!

On a recent post I talked about my four phobias, Sand, Spiders, Heights and Snakes. Whilst I had managed to lessen my fear of the first one, the other three are still very much an issue! Now you may have seen a post I did talking about my “50 things to do before I…

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Life’s a beach!

Life’s a beach!

Anyone who knows me, knows I have four main fears. Three of them are very common and quite logical; Arachnophobia (a fear of spiders) Acrophobia (a fear of heights) and Ophidiophobia ( a fear of snakes) The last one is not logical at all. Eremikophobia. This is the fear of Sand. Yes, that yellow stuff…

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