Posts tagged ‘awardsceremony’
page 86 of 134

Sunday in the City

Sunday in the City

After a fabulous day in London at the Theatre, we had a full day ahead of us in the City and the weather was glorious! We  had decided that we would go for a day of culture and the British Museum was on the cards. First of all we needed to pack and get…

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London Calling

London Calling

Back in July my bestie, Helen (otherwise known as H) decided to have a jaunt down to the big smoke. She had seen an advert for Agatha Christies ‘Witness for the Prosecution’ at London County Hall and wondered if I would be interested. Would I?  Hell yes! So, we booked a couple of tickets,…

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Vacances en France

Vacances en France

Bonjour mes amis! Well, that is about as far as I can remember of my GCSE French, so I have to switch back to normal now. Why am I starting in French? Well it is because I am writing to you from France. We left our home at 11pm on Wednesday 14th August heading…

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The Twinwood Tragedy…..

The Twinwood Tragedy…..

Most of you know how much I adore my annual traipse to Twinwood for a weekend of Vintage shenanigans. This year I was especially looking forward to a relaxing jaunt with family and friends in what was promised to be amazing sunshine; unusual for a Bank Holiday weekend! Why the reason for a relaxing…

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What I wore Twinwood style

What I wore Twinwood style

Most of you know that my annual trip to Twinwood vintage festival is the highlight of my year. This time round I had decided to chill out and not worry too much about my clothing or style. This was mainly to do with the fact that I had torn my ACL, wouldn’t be dancing…

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