Posts tagged ‘awardwinner’
page 108 of 135

Shooting Stars

Shooting Stars

For a long time now I have admired the work of the amazing Velvet D’Amour, photographer and owner of the wonderful Volup2 Magazine, which celebrates Diversity with an emphasis on Curves. Her photography is out of this World. You can see that Velvet simply has an eye for an angle, for a beautiful background,…

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Signing for my life…

Signing for my life…

If you are a long time reader of my blog you may well remember a post I did some time ago regarding an elderly friend I met through the course of my job. Dennis is profoundly deaf and so was his lovely wife Denise. They would both come into the station where I worked…

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The Trials of Twinwood

The Trials of Twinwood

Many of you will recall I wrote a post about entering the Miss Twinwood competition a few weeks back. This was something that was out of my comfort zone, but I had added it to my ‘fifty things to do before I hit fifty’ challenge. Several of my really good friends had egged me…

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Fetish Fun

Fetish Fun

A couple of years ago I was known in my circle of plus size blogger friends as the “Pin Up Girl Queen”. This was due to me wearing pretty much 100% pin up girl clothing which I would buy in America and get shipped over. Most of them had either not heard of the…

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The Beautiful Bishop

The Beautiful Bishop

So… last weekend Little Chick decided to come home for Easter. Was it the lure of the chocolate eggs she would be sure to find? Hell no. It was the lure of the super duper washing machine and tumble dryer as she is off to Croatia next week and had several loads she wanted…

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