Posts tagged ‘awardwinner’
page 118 of 135

Totally Terrific Tegen

Totally Terrific Tegen

A few weeks back I had a lovely email from a company called Tegen asking me if I would like to have a look at their range of accessories and possibly give them a try. Well, I do love a good accessory or two, and they offered to send a selection of vintage inspired…

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Heavenly Halto

Heavenly Halto

Halto. Have you heard of it? No, neither had I until an email dropped into my inbox from the lovely Bex asking if I would be interested in reviewing one. One of what? I hear you ask! Well Halto is a little bit of plastic.  With two holes in it. And it is amazing!…

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A Night out with Fashion

A Night out with Fashion

Many moons ago I became acquainted with a lovely shop in Northampton called Bohemian Finds. Now, for me this was quite an important place as not only do they stock all the large repro vintage dress suppliers, but they also do shoes, hats, bags and accessories. It is so difficult to find a shop…

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Macmillan Millinery Madness!

Macmillan Millinery Madness!

For those long time readers you may remember a post I did a little while ago about my friend Jane, who whilst battling Cancer has taught herself Millinery. I wanted to show everyone the amazing creations she had designed and which I know own several of, and wear with great pride. Now, Jane has…

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Mermaid Magic

Mermaid Magic

Whilst visiting the amazing Londonedge trade show, we met the fabulous ladies from Mermaid Salon. They had actually travelled all the way from Australia just for the occasion. They were sponsoring an area upstairs that just cried out fabulousness! Inflatable unicorns, flamingo’s and flower shaped seats, coupled with a huge cabinet full of pick…

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