Posts tagged ‘bestplussizeawardwinner’
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A different kind of Uplift

A different kind of Uplift

Many of my long term readers will know of the issues I have had getting bras to fit me. To the extent of travelling to Poland and visiting the wonderful Ewa Michalak of Ewa Michalak Lingerie where I even had a bra named after me! I managed to get a whole range of bras from…

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Vienna part 3 also known as Beautiful Bratislava!

Vienna part 3 also known as Beautiful Bratislava!

After two full days in Vienna we woke up early on the Saturday morning as we had scheduled a day trip to a neighbouring Country, Slovakia. A tour of the Capital, Bratislava was the theme of the day and we were very excited to see it. We had pre-booked a tour before we left…

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New Purple Celebration

New Purple Celebration

Around 18 months ago the other half and I went to the local theatre to see a Prince tribute act, featuring Jimi Love – Read my review here. We didn’t expect that much from it to be honest, but it was a night out and if I remember correctly about £20 a ticket. Our…

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Sunshine on a Rainy Day

Sunshine on a Rainy Day

Last weekend was a pretty busy one for me! I had been to a murder mystery on Friday night, spent Saturday with Baby Bear having a lovely lunch and then Sunday arrived. I had done some work previously with the wonderful Vicky of The PowderPuff Room  went I walked in a catwalk show for the…

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Death at the Deco

Death at the Deco

A few weeks ago I was perusing the noticeboard at work and saw an advertisement for a Murder Mystery evening at one of our local theatres. Now long time readers of mine may know I have a penchant for this kind of thing, and so does my best friend, H. We happened to be…

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