Posts tagged ‘bloggeradventures’
page 111 of 117

Loving me some Londonedge

Loving me some Londonedge

Twice a year there is a trade show held in London. For the past couple of year it has been held at the Business Design Centre in Angel. And I have been really privileged to have gone to the last four and was really looking forward to seeing what this year would bring. Now,…

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Visiting Vienna

Visiting Vienna

So, after our first full day in Vienna we hit the sheets quite hard to get some sleep as we had a busy day ahead of us on the Friday. First of all was the 2 hour exercise to music booking we had made at the Spanish Riding School to see the Lipizanner horses.…

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Viennese Whirl!

Viennese Whirl!

So a couple of week ago I went on the first jaunt of the New Year. Boo from “Does my blog make me look fat” had invited me to spend a few days in Vienna with her. She was organising a work conference and planned on spending a few days before it in the…

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As Time Goes By….

As Time Goes By….

The beginning of October saw me travelling down to London to interview the enigmatic Axel Jansson, a Rock singer and also a collector of Vintage Watches. You are what many would call a renaissance man. One foot firmly in the present with your rock band, yet rooted in the past with your hobby of…

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Well… No backing out now!

Well… No backing out now!

You may remember a post I wrote a week or so ago about possibly taking the plunge and entering the Miss Twinwood competition this year. I asked you lovely readers to give me your opinions and vote on which photograph you thought I should enter, and you all seemed to love the same photograph.…

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