Posts tagged ‘bloggeradventures’
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Taking the next step….

Taking the next step….

Over the past three years I have certainly had a fair few adventures, as chronicled in this blog! I have had a chance to do a lot of things that I would never have expected. The last two or three months have seen the adventures being more travel based, which has been fabulous and…

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A Year in Review – How 2017 was for me (Part Two)

A Year in Review – How 2017 was for me (Part Two)

JULY July for me is always a great month as its my birthday month! This month started off with a fabulous vintage event,  Leicester carnival which was held at the Racecourse. I was lucky enough to attend with my wonderful friend Dawn, and it was also Theodore ‘s first proper outing. To say he…

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Perfect Peacock Pretties

Perfect Peacock Pretties

I have a pretty healthy following on Instagram. When I say healthy, I mean a decent amount for a 43 year old Plus size mother of Twins. I am no celebrity, or famous for anything/nothing. But I have a loyal and very wonderful following of over 6000 people. This to me is AMAZING. Two…

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A Year in Review – How 2017 was for me (Part One)

A Year in Review – How 2017 was for me (Part One)

All in All it was a pretty good year for me. I made new friends, had new adventures and went to new places. I wrote, I travelled, I found a new love of photography and made much use of it. Personally, I laughed and I cried. I was hoping that 2017 would have been…

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Simply Swim Suits me fine….

Simply Swim Suits me fine….

You may recall in previous months I have reviewed some different kinds of swimwear. I have a lovely custom bikini and also a stunning cobalt blue swimming costume that I took on a recent trip to Centreparcs. Whilst both of these suit me brilliantly, I was recently coerced into looking at some more costumes…

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