Posts tagged ‘bloggerawards’
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It’s all going swimmingly…

It’s all going swimmingly…

I was very recently contacted by the lovely Rachael at UK Swimwear to ask if I would be interested in trying out one of their swimming costumes. Now, I have my lovely Ewa Michalak bikini that is great for sunbathing, going to the spa and splashing around in the pool or hot tub, however…

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Halloween Hauntings

Halloween Hauntings

**** WARNING – PHOTO HEAVY POST**** A few months ago the blogger bestie, Boo invited me to Disneyland Paris for Halloween. Now whilst I am not too fussed about the whole event, Boo LOVES Halloween and desperately wanted to go to the special one night only Halloween Soiree which takes place on the 31st.…

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Pure and Simple with Theodore

Pure and Simple with Theodore

So, many of you know I have a new love in my life… My baba, Theodore the Chow Chow. We got him at the beginning of June and he will be 9 months old on the 15th of November. He has taken over the whole house. He is funny, adorable, silly, obstinate, clumsy and…

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The Marvellous Mitfords

The Marvellous Mitfords

This article was originally published as a serial in the magazing “Vintage Life” For us vintage lovers, the Mitford name is synonymous with an era of glamour and wealth. The latter day power family, born into Aristocracy and leading lights on the social scene. But how much do you know about the six Mitford…

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Jeepers, Creepers, Where did you get those Retropeepers???

Jeepers, Creepers, Where did you get those Retropeepers???

A couple of weeks ago I had a lovely random message in my Instagram Inbox. Now, for you Instagrammers out there, you will know that normally any random Instagram message usually involves photographs of male anatomy. Not nice in any way, shape or form! This one however was fabulous and came from the desk…

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