Posts tagged ‘bloggerawards’
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Fontastic Fontaines

Fontastic Fontaines

Several months ago a group of us vintage loving ladies had arranged to have a jolly to London. This was for two reasons, one because we love a good catch up and secondly that we love a good booze up! On our previous escapades, we ended up drinking ourselves silly at a Tiki Bar,…

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Back in December, Boo Brown and I visited Prague for three days for the Christmas Markets (read more here) Whilst we were there, we visited the Národní Museum on Vinohradská 1, where we had been told that an amazing retro exhibition was on show. Now of course, loving our retro stylings we duly visited it…

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More Montcalm Magic

More Montcalm Magic

A few of my regular readers may have read a post I did in November about a stay at a  hotel called The Montcalm at The Brewery London City (Read post here) I had such an amazing stay there, that I knew I would have to return at some point as it was simply…

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Viva Lady Voluptuous!

Viva Lady Voluptuous!

Last week I had a lovely email from Rosie at Yours Clothing letting me know they had just launched a new range of clothing from the wonderful Lady Voluptuous. Knowing that the style was right up my street, she kindly offered to send me one of the new dresses to review. Going onto the…

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Beauty Brings a Tear

Beauty Brings a Tear

For those who know me or read my blogs frequently, I recently shared a purchase that I made of the L’Oreal Beauty and the Beast make up set. In my write up I confessed to my love for the original film, and although I am a massive Disney fan in general, Beauty and the…

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