Posts tagged ‘BritishPlusSizeAwardwinner’
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Lucy Loves Violet AND you

Lucy Loves Violet AND you

If you read my previous post you will know all about my lovely friend Rachel setting up a vintage clothing and accessory company called Lucy loves Violet. See hear to read more. Lucy Loves Violet started life at the beginning of March and has been adding more products every week. As an introduction to…

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I am A Happy (Hell) Bunny

I am A Happy (Hell) Bunny

Sunday 12th February saw the highlight of my blogging life when I won the “StyleXL Most Inspiring Blogger” award. It was totally unexpected and also came with a lovely surprise. Yours Clothing had sponsored the award and I was given a £100 voucher to spend on anything I liked. Well of course that was…

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Beauty Brings a Tear

Beauty Brings a Tear

For those who know me or read my blogs frequently, I recently shared a purchase that I made of the L’Oreal Beauty and the Beast make up set. In my write up I confessed to my love for the original film, and although I am a massive Disney fan in general, Beauty and the…

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Hilarious Handbags.

Hilarious Handbags.

I don’t know why or what it is, but the Plus Size community do seem to love a good novelty handbag. Over the past year or so I have seen some amazing ones such as milkshake cartons, ray guns and even nail varnish bottles. Now, whilst the vintage style doesn’t lend itself too much…

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Wedding Invite Dress Wishlist

Wedding Invite Dress Wishlist

A few weeks ago you may have read an post I did about going to my friends Hen Night. Corinne, an old colleague of ours had a fabulous meal at a local Chinese buffet and we all had a whale of a time (see post here) Now we have also been invited to her…

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