Posts tagged ‘catwalk’
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A Year in Review – How 2017 was for me (Part Two)

A Year in Review – How 2017 was for me (Part Two)

JULY July for me is always a great month as its my birthday month! This month started off with a fabulous vintage event,  Leicester carnival which was held at the Racecourse. I was lucky enough to attend with my wonderful friend Dawn, and it was also Theodore ‘s first proper outing. To say he…

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Perfect Peacock Pretties

Perfect Peacock Pretties

I have a pretty healthy following on Instagram. When I say healthy, I mean a decent amount for a 43 year old Plus size mother of Twins. I am no celebrity, or famous for anything/nothing. But I have a loyal and very wonderful following of over 6000 people. This to me is AMAZING. Two…

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A Year in Review – How 2017 was for me (Part One)

A Year in Review – How 2017 was for me (Part One)

All in All it was a pretty good year for me. I made new friends, had new adventures and went to new places. I wrote, I travelled, I found a new love of photography and made much use of it. Personally, I laughed and I cried. I was hoping that 2017 would have been…

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Simply Swim Suits me fine….

Simply Swim Suits me fine….

You may recall in previous months I have reviewed some different kinds of swimwear. I have a lovely custom bikini and also a stunning cobalt blue swimming costume that I took on a recent trip to Centreparcs. Whilst both of these suit me brilliantly, I was recently coerced into looking at some more costumes…

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Harry Christmas!

Harry Christmas!

Just before Christmas, Boo and I met up at the Harry Potter Studios for a special event. Hogwarts in the Snow! Call us big kids, but we just couldn’t resist an evening of Potter related fun, with added festive touches AND snow. And we were not disappointed! If you read my blog regularly, you will…

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