Posts tagged ‘catwalk’
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Colorista Catastrophe

Colorista Catastrophe

If you read my blog often, you will notice that I get bored with my hair quite frequently. Black, Ginger, Mahogany, Strawberry Blonde and every colour in between has been on my head. Fringe, Full Fringe, No Fringe; you name it I have had it. Given the job that I do, I have to…

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Showercaps in Superdrug

Showercaps in Superdrug

With my job I only get a 30 minute lunch break. You can’t do much damage in 30 minutes, can you? Well I did today. Our shopping centre is a 5 minute walk from work. Well, it takes a normal person around 2 minutes but I have short little legs that don’t move too…

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Splendid Splendette

Splendid Splendette

Splendette. Just the sound of the word makes me think of wonderful beautiful things. And you would be totally right there! For those ladies of a vintage persuasion, it is well know that bangles are worn in a stack. Eh? What do I mean by a stack of bangles? Well, it is not uncommon…

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50 Updates

50 Updates

If you read my blog often you may recall a post I did back in April 2017 about 50 challenges that I wanted to do before I reach the age of 50. Now based on the fact that this isn’t for seven more years, you might wonder why I am doing it now. Well,…

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Outfit Roundup May – June

Outfit Roundup May – June

When I did the outfit round-up for March – April it proved to be pretty popular, so I thought I would do it again. Gives you a chance to see just what I have been wearing over the past few weeks What is your favourite outfit? Are there any you literally cannot stand? I…

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