Posts tagged ‘clothingreview’
page 54 of 117

Herbaceous Heaven?

Herbaceous Heaven?

As you know I have been trying out a lot of clothing recently from Shein. Some I have been sent to review, but a fair amount I have purchased with my own pennies. Recently I had put in an order for a couple of wigs and a lovely dress that I felt had a…

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Iced Mint, Pretty in Pink or Ruth Madoc?

Iced Mint, Pretty in Pink or Ruth Madoc?

From my previous posts you will have garnered the idea that I have a love for wigs. This all started when I saw and fell in love with Carl Brown’s Vintage designed wigs and went to visit him in Liverpool to get a special black wig made for Twinwood 2018. Partially this was because…

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Fantastic Fifties Feathers

Fantastic Fifties Feathers

If you are a long time reader of mine, you may recall the cupcake dress of dreams that I debuted this past Christmas time. Layers of mocha tulle with a satin waistband, spaghetti straps and a crossover bodice just made this dress an absolute dream to put on and I genuinely felt like a…

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Feeling Rosy

Feeling Rosy

This past weekend I had a bit of a shock when it came to organising the spare room. When I say ‘spare room’ I mean what has, in essence, turned into my dressing room. I have hats, shoes, bags, hair accessories and clothes in there. A LOT OF CLOTHES. I have to admit that…

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Killer Kimonos

Killer Kimonos

I have spoken in the past about some kimono/robes that I have purchased and been sent for review from the fast fashion company, Shein. Some I have worn in the bedroom as they are meant, others are outdoors variety and then there are the other ones that are supposed to be for use in…

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