Posts tagged ‘ewamichalak’
page 132 of 135

Bound for Budapest

Bound for Budapest

Last month my favourite Blogger Babe, Boo and I took a trip away to the beautiful City of Budapest (pronounced BOO-DA-PESSH-T). Situated on the banks of the River Danube,  many beautiful bridges span the river, bringing the two settlements of Buda and Pest together. We had booked ourselves a five day break staying at the fabulous Hotel…

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Ladies Who Spa!

Ladies Who Spa!

Last October we purchased my Mum a Spa day for her birthday present. She had never been to a Spa before so we thought it would be a great pampering day for her and a friend to go on. I looked at all the options that were available and chose The Day Spa Relaxation…

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Ewa does the Unimaginable.

Ewa does the Unimaginable.

Regular readers of my blog will know of my love affair with Ewa Michalak bras after a visit to Poland last November which resulted in an impromptu photo shoot (read more here, here and here) I finally managed to get a set of bras that fit me. That supported and cupped me without cutting me…

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Bound for Budapest with Boo!

Bound for Budapest with Boo!

So, here I am again off on my adventures! Another trip away with Boo the Blogger Babe! Now, how has this all come about? It started off with the wonderful Caroline Curvy Wordy suggesting a girls holiday when we all met up at The Curvy Convention in May, Having never been on a proper…

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Plus Size Negativity

Plus Size Negativity

There has been a lot of debate on social media and the press about the term “Plus Size” recently and this has been acerbated by some companies and high profile plus women coming out and stating that the term is unnecessary and in some ways outdated and should be dropped. There is even a…

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