Posts tagged ‘familyties’
page 123 of 148

Turtle Bay is Terrific!

Turtle Bay is Terrific!

May Bank Holiday Monday saw us going to The Enfield Pageant of Vintage where I took part in a fashion show for the lovely Tricia at Hotties Vintage. We left the event around 3pm to make our merry way home and made very good time. Whilst in the car I suggested to Leslie that…

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Tea, Carnaby and Genie

Tea, Carnaby and Genie

Turning back time to the Christmas of 2015, my blogger bestie Boo and I were due to visit Sketch London for afternoon tea. Sadly for various reasons we had to cancel, with the intention of going at a later date. Up until now we hadn’t managed to reschedule it, so when we talking about…

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Blogging changed MY life

Blogging changed MY life

Blogging changed MY life That is quite a powerful statement. Blogging Changed MY life. Really? How? If you are a long time reader of my blog, you will know that I started blogging two and a half years ago. How and why did this come about? Well I was lucky enough to meet three…

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Enfield Pageant of Motoring

Enfield Pageant of Motoring

Last month you may recall that I did a little bit of modelling for a friend who has a Vintage Website – Hotties Vintage. The lovely Tricia invited me down for the day and I had a ball dressing up in lovely clothes whilst getting my photo taken! If you missed the post, you…

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Primark Perfection

Primark Perfection

Last year in a fit of stupidity I decided to paint my bedroom. Not the whole bedroom but the feature wall behind our bedhead. Now, originally it was a deep rich lush Garnet colour and I loved it. But after five years I was very bored with it and I felt the colour was…

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