Posts tagged ‘familyties’
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The Griffin is Great!!

The Griffin is Great!!

Once a month I try to get together with one of my old work colleagues, H. We currently work in different parts of the county, but for 8 years worked in the same office. Each month we like to try a new place to eat. Sometimes it can be casual (well as casual as…

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We’re all going on a summer holiday….

Every month, as part of a lovely group of bloggers aged 40+ we choose a topic on which to talk about. Now, this month what better to talk about than Summer Holidays! With the children just breaking up, the sun shining and the paddling pools being dragged out, it is a wonderful time of…

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Mandy’s truly is Heaven

Mandy’s truly is Heaven

Last week I had the honour of getting an e-mail from the lovely Ellie from Mandy’s Heaven. If you haven’t heard of Mandy’s Heaven before, it is a fantastic website specialising in quality clothing and accessories. Initially run out of the living room of her home, the line and interest grew enough to set…

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Sign me Up!

Sign me Up!

Around three or four years ago, I had an issue at work with a Customer.  Now, for those of your who know what I do, I have issues all the time. It’s the nature of the game. But this was a different kind of issue. A lovely elderly couple used to come into work frequently.…

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Music is my first love.

Music is my first love.

Music is a massive part in my life. Not a day goes by when I don’t have music on in one way or another. At work we have the radio on and alter the channel throughout the day depending on who is the DJ. To say my Music taste is somewhat eclectic would be…

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