Posts tagged ‘familyties’
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Time heals?

Time heals?

***** TRIGGER WARNING*****BABY LOSS***** This is a difficult/tricky blog for me to write. And there are some that will read it, and say I should never have written it at all. But this is my blog, my memories, my life and therefore my decision. As followers of  my blog know, I have twin daughters, who…

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Under a vintage sky

Under a vintage sky

I am very lucky to be part of several groups on Facebook, including Plus size chats, Bloggers Groups, and one of the first was called the 40’s and 50’s Most Marvellous Meet ups. This group is full of wonderful Vintage minded ladies and gentleman who meet up to share their love of bygones eras. The…

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Oh, I MUST have been a good girl last year!

Oh, I MUST have been a good girl last year!

As we start the beginning of a New Year, I wanted to look back over the Christmas Period, and review how 2015 has been for me. Now as we all know, Santa only brings presents to the good girls and boys. So, therefore, If I got presents, I MUST have been a good girl?…

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New year, new me?

New year, new me?

So, new year resolutions…. Do you do them? Or more importantly Do you STICK to them? I guess, in our lives, we have all potentially made resolutions as the clock strikes midnight. The question is, do they last longer than that new year’s bottle of champagne took to drink? Personally, I am an ‘all…

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A little Christmas kindness

****** TRIGGER WARNING – BEREAVEMENT ****** Originally posted in December 2015  With less than two weeks to go until Christmas, most people are rushing around hastily buying gifts, making food shopping lists and generally getting into the Festive Spirit. But Christmas time can be a difficult time for many people. The prospect of getting…

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