Posts tagged ‘fatshion’
page 136 of 169

You win some, you lose some…

You win some, you lose some…

As you may know, I recently entered a competition to become a Yours Blogger for a year and was lucky enough to be picked for the shortlisted ten finalists. Now the last part of the competition was to write a final blog and either send it to Yours Clothing direct, or post it on…

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Uniquely Yours.

Uniquely Yours.

As I said in my previous post, I actually wrote Two pieces for my final entry into the  Yours Clothing “Be The Blogger” Competition. Here’s Part Two! Things have been ticking along so very nicely with my blog. My readers are on the increase, my social media is getting better and I am loving…

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The Perfect Planner

The Perfect Planner

For those long time readers of my blog, you may recall a blog I wrote this time last year about Personal planners. (click here to read my post) For the first time ever I had a planner that I used for the whole year. I didn’t lose it, I didn’t forget to write things…

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Misfit really fits the bill

Misfit really fits the bill

Just before Christmas I was contacted by a small up and coming company, Misfit Cosmetics to ask if I would like to test out the first few items in their new range. Being a bit of a fan of new lines, I obviously said yes please, and they sent me out their range The…

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Loving Lovedrobe

Loving Lovedrobe

A few weeks ago, out of the blue I was contacted by the lovely Julie from the clothing company Lovedrobe asking if I was interested in reviewing a dress from their amazing selection. Well, I was so honoured to be contacted by them, and of course responded that I would love to give something a…

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