Posts tagged ‘fatshion’
page 142 of 169

Make Me Over with Lucie Luella

Make Me Over with Lucie Luella

A Month or so ago, I saw a repost competition on Instagram from someone I avidly follow, Lucie Luella. I have been a follower of hers for some time. She posts the most amazing hair posts, stunning  updo’s, total colour changes, vintage waves – you name it, I love them all! I am a…

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Ladies Who Spa!

Ladies Who Spa!

Last October we purchased my Mum a Spa day for her birthday present. She had never been to a Spa before so we thought it would be a great pampering day for her and a friend to go on. I looked at all the options that were available and chose The Day Spa Relaxation…

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Lush – Halloween Haul and Christmas Crackers

Lush – Halloween Haul and Christmas Crackers

After my recent adventure in London, I convinced my sister in law to pop along to Lush as I had seen their Halloween offerings and I had already made up a shopping list! Whilst I didn’t manage to get all of the Halloween products (they had sold out of some) I did manage to…

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A Published Writer? Who? Me?

When I was encouraged to start writing my blog nearly two years ago, I honestly didn’t think I was good enough. Good enough to write. Good enough for people to want to read. Good enough in how I looked. Good enough for anyone. Yet, thanks to some amazing Plus Size Bloggers, I decided to give…

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Ewa does the Unimaginable.

Ewa does the Unimaginable.

Regular readers of my blog will know of my love affair with Ewa Michalak bras after a visit to Poland last November which resulted in an impromptu photo shoot (read more here, here and here) I finally managed to get a set of bras that fit me. That supported and cupped me without cutting me…

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