Posts tagged ‘fatshion’
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Sign me Up!

Sign me Up!

Around three or four years ago, I had an issue at work with a Customer.  Now, for those of your who know what I do, I have issues all the time. It’s the nature of the game. But this was a different kind of issue. A lovely elderly couple used to come into work frequently.…

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lindybop sale

lindybop sale

Now, as you know I am addicted to dresses. Completely. I have gone from having no dresses in my life, and consequently struggling to find something when I have needed it for an occasion, to having hundreds of them! I looked in my wardrobes the other day, and I just didn’t know what to…

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Music is my first love.

Music is my first love.

Music is a massive part in my life. Not a day goes by when I don’t have music on in one way or another. At work we have the radio on and alter the channel throughout the day depending on who is the DJ. To say my Music taste is somewhat eclectic would be…

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West End Live

West End Live

Sunday 19th June saw another flying visit to London to go and see West End Live from Trafalgar Square. If you don’t know about this event it is held over two days every year in June. And the best thing?? It’s absolutely FREE!!! Basically the square is transformed into a huge concert space and…

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What Tanya Wore!

What Tanya Wore!

For the first time ever, I thought I would do a round up of all the lovely clothes I wore this month on my adventures. The one thing this has shown me is just how many dresses I actually have. Which is far too many. The fact that I have 6 other dresses due…

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