Posts tagged ‘fatshion’
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A little Christmas kindness

****** TRIGGER WARNING – BEREAVEMENT ****** Originally posted in December 2015  With less than two weeks to go until Christmas, most people are rushing around hastily buying gifts, making food shopping lists and generally getting into the Festive Spirit. But Christmas time can be a difficult time for many people. The prospect of getting…

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Large ladies do London

Not content with travelling to Europe for a Jolly, I found myself travelling up to London to meet up with some fellow blogger babes for lunch, giggles and a spot of shopping before Christmas. I thought I had a ticket on the 0700 train(it was the cheapest) so arrived at 0645, only to find…

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Most marvellous in Manchester

As most of you know, I have a love of vintage styles, clothing, hair and everything that goes with it. Because of this, I joined a wonderful group on Facebook called “40’s and 50’s Most Marvellous Meet ups” Now, this group has gone from strength to strength recently, and has over 4000 members, based…

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Wandering in wonderful Warszawa: Part 1

Last week saw me leave my family and job behind and join up with my blogger friend Boo Brown on an amazing adventure! Those of you who read my blog regularly know I was planning to visit Poland and the amazing Ewa Michalak to try and get myself some lingerie, but incorporated it with a…

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Hallowe’en hijinks!

Normally I would have posted this a lot quicker, but to say I have had a manic couple of weeks is a bit of an understatement! However, as I had such a fun weekend doing this, I wanted to put the post out there, even though it’s a bit late! Now normally on Hallowe’en, I…

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