Posts tagged ‘fatshionista’
page 126 of 147

Enfield Pageant of Motoring

Enfield Pageant of Motoring

Last month you may recall that I did a little bit of modelling for a friend who has a Vintage Website – Hotties Vintage. The lovely Tricia invited me down for the day and I had a ball dressing up in lovely clothes whilst getting my photo taken! If you missed the post, you…

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Primark Perfection

Primark Perfection

Last year in a fit of stupidity I decided to paint my bedroom. Not the whole bedroom but the feature wall behind our bedhead. Now, originally it was a deep rich lush Garnet colour and I loved it. But after five years I was very bored with it and I felt the colour was…

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Cheesier than even Eurovision.

Cheesier than even Eurovision.

A few months ago I read an article on Time Out’s website. It was all about a new eaterie opening up that sells Cheese. Cheese in many different forms, but basically just cheese. Called The Cheese Bar, it was an establishment opening in Camden after originally setting up and selling cheesy goodness from a…

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Really Really Vintage!!

Really Really Vintage!!

Now, regular readers of my blog know I love a bit of Vintage. Forties and Fifties Clothes, accessories, bags, hats and gloves….. you name it, I lust over it. But my real longtime love is even more Vintage than that! Something not many people know about me is that I have a huge interest…

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Where did Common Decency and Manners Go?

Where did Common Decency and Manners Go?

Some of you may have seen a recent Facebook comment that I made after a day trip to London. A place that I love and feel very comfortable in. You may have even read previous posts that I have made that tell of many adventures in London, when totally strangers have come up to…

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