Posts tagged ‘fbloggers’
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Herman’s World of Colour

Herman’s World of Colour

Those who know me well will be more than aware of my propensity for changing my hair colour. I have been pretty much every colour from peroxide blonde to black, with every colour in between from copper to ash to strawberry blonde. Currently I am grey. A silvery blonde grey that I like a…

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Gorgeous Grooming

Gorgeous Grooming

For those of you who read my regularly, you will know the apple of my eye is my new Puppy, Theodore. Theodore is a Chow Chow, born on the 15th of February. A little bundle of fluff who has stolen everyone’s hearts! No matter where he goes, people stop, ask questions, ask to stroke…

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It’s all so terribly British, Isn’t it?

It’s all so terribly British, Isn’t it?

There are many things British People have a reputation for, some good, some bad. Resilience in a crisis, the ability to form an orderly queue, moaning that it rains all the time, yet as soon as the sun comes out, it is too hot, being able to complain about the minutest of things, to…

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Fun at Fontaine’s with Voodoo Vixen

Fun at Fontaine’s with Voodoo Vixen

A few weeks ago I was honoured to receive an email from the amazing Nicki over at Voodoo Vixen inviting me to a VIP launch evening at the amazing Fontaine’s Bar situated in Dalston. To I had come to know her over the past few visits to Londonedge and we have had many conversation…

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The Problem with Prohibition

The Problem with Prohibition

January 16th 1920 is an important day in American History. The drying out of the United States. The last day alcohol was available to the General Public. So, what kind of effect did this have on the Country? A very negative one, in fact. Supporters of banning alcohol did it with the best of…

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