Posts tagged ‘fortysomething’
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What the Goddess Wore

What the Goddess Wore

It has been quite awhile since I did a round up of the months clothes and as I have some wonderful new pieces (and some old favourites) I thought I would take a look through eight weeks  and show my different styles. Oh and what is even better, several of these are now on sale!…

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Pin Up VIP time

Pin Up VIP time

A couple of weeks ago I went down to London for the Viva Voluptuous Lingerie Catwalk show (read my post here) Now it was my first proper evening VIP event and I wanted to look my best. So, what on earth was I going to wear? Well a couple of months ago I had…

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Phantom of the Opera

Phantom of the Opera

Last year my Mum asked if I would take her down to London to see The Bodyguard. Now, she had never been to a West End musical and had never seen the sights of London. We duly booked the tickets and went down in October and had a wonderful afternoon (read my post here)…

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Viva Forever

Viva Forever

A few weeks ago  I had a lovely email from a company inviting me to my first ever VIP blogger event! In Piccadilly no less! Well the first thing I did was to check my shifts, and to my surprise I actually had the day off. Well it would have been rude not to…

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Pretty in Pink

Pretty in Pink

Now, you might be confused by the title when you realise this post is all about Corsets. Yes, that’s right, Corsets! I have been a long time wearer and lover of corsets due to several reasons. The first one being the flexibility that it gives me in my wardrobe. That sounds a little odd…

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