Posts tagged ‘fortysomething’
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Caught by the River Thames

Caught by the River Thames

Tuesday 2nd August saw me on the Fuller’s Brewery Facebook page as I wanted to let them know about a review of one of their pubs that I done. Whilst there however, I saw a competition to win a pair of tickets to the “Caught by the River Thames” festival taking place on the…

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The Griffin is Great!!

The Griffin is Great!!

Once a month I try to get together with one of my old work colleagues, H. We currently work in different parts of the county, but for 8 years worked in the same office. Each month we like to try a new place to eat. Sometimes it can be casual (well as casual as…

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Style Tips for the Big and Beautiful

Style Tips for the Big and Beautiful

image credit: Nothing speaks confidence louder than a woman having fun with her closet, not bound by the do’s and don’t’s of fashion and wearing outfits that make her happy, and not because it’s in or it’s what the industry’s elite claim to be appropriate for you. The clothes you put on in…

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Heavenly High Heels!

Heavenly High Heels!

For those of you not in the know, the amazing Lindybop have just started selling a range of SHOES!!!! I know! Amazing right? Well of course I had to have a quick perusal at the choices on offer, and I have to say I am pretty impressed. A lovely range of vintage style shoes.…

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Pin Up Picnic In the Pub aka Pin Up Piss Up

Pin Up Picnic In the Pub aka Pin Up Piss Up

Saturday 2nd July saw me in the big City again, this time for the British Belles annual jaunt, Pin Up Picnic in the Park. Hopping on the train in my Lady Voluptuous Blue Ursula dress, with a suitcase full of Vintage style dresses and accessories, I was ready for the whole weekend of adventure!…

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