Posts tagged ‘fortysomething’
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A small favour… The Curvee Awards

A small favour… The Curvee Awards

For those of you who read my blog regularly, you will know that this is something of a recent endeavour for me. I started my first proper blog post at the end of January, and what an amazing 9 months it has been! I have had adventures galore, met some fabulous people, who I…

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Just be me

Just be me

Twenty months ago, I decided to change my attitude, my style and pretty much my life. I decided to JUST BE ME… and to hell with the opinions and consequences. And you know what? It was the best thing I have ever done. I have had compliments, opportunities, adventures and fun. I stopped letting…

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Hats off!

Hats off!

In less than two weeks I am going away on a girlie ‘holiday’. Something I have never done before. My friends Helen, Jan, and I will be cramming ourselves into my little mini and driving (probably each other mad) 5+ hours up to Gretna Green. As you may have guessed, we are going to…

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Give us a clue?

Give us a clue?

Last Sunday was the day after my 41st birthday, and oh what a day it was! I had heard about a place in London, that was a little ‘different’ and I was intrigued. I had never heard of anywhere like it before (although there could be others out there) and I had a quick…

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Family ties

Family ties

As many of you know, I lost my father to cancer in February. Just a short 5 months ago since I last saw him, talked to him and told him I loved him. Yet it feels like forever. Today is his birthday. I can’t think of a day more apt in which to post…

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