Posts tagged ‘fragilex’
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Say Cheese!

Say Cheese!

As my long time readers will know, I love a good adventure or day out. Any excuse to hop on a train and see friends, the sights or go to an event and I take it, after all you only have one life to live which is very much still the case, with the…

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Dyson Delight!

Dyson Delight!

One of the first Plus-Size bloggers I read about AND met in person was the stunning Georgina Grogan of ‘She Might Be Loved.‘ This was around 7 years ago and I had no idea at all what a blog was or even where to find one. Two ladies that I had met at a…

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Glorious Gems Galore

Glorious Gems Galore

I have to admit to having a bit of a love/hate relationship with earrings and my ears. A bit of a random thing to say, I guess. However unless you know of my history or have read my posts about my genetic flaws, you might not understand why I would say that. Basically, I…

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I am my Mothers Daughter…

I am my Mothers Daughter…

Growing up I often felt like a foundling. Someone who was deposited under the gooseberry bush by a Stork, But why did I feel like this? What made me feel so different to my family? Well, on previous blogs I have mentioned that my family are affected by a genetic illness called Fragile X.…

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Time heals?

Time heals?

***** TRIGGER WARNING*****BABY LOSS***** This is a difficult/tricky blog for me to write. And there are some that will read it, and say I should never have written it at all. But this is my blog, my memories, my life and therefore my decision. As followers of  my blog know, I have twin daughters, who…

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