Posts tagged ‘lekeuxvintage’
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Uniquely Ivory

Uniquely Ivory

For my birthday this year, I was thoroughly treated by the brilliant Boo of ‘Does My Blog Make Me Look Fat‘ when she gifted me this stunning Ivory dress from Unique Vintage. I had been looking at it for quite awhile, but had a fair few expenses and had made the decision not to…

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Shocking Start but a Excellent Ending

Shocking Start but a Excellent Ending

As many of you know, I am The Keuxtie of the Year 2021 and have been doing some work with the wonderful Lynsey LeKeux for the last couple of months. I had a stunning haircut around 6 weeks ago with Sharleen and I was returning to get my hair dyed and styled, whilst having…

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Ring a Ring a Rosie

Ring a Ring a Rosie

I have spoken recently of my trials and tribulations of wet sets and hair rollers. If you fancy a look, you can see it here Whilst I seem to have got the knack of the rollering (if thats a real word) I was still experiencing problems of the comfort kind. Especially when in bed!…

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An English Country Rose

An English Country Rose

The third in my series of dresses from Shein was the Peter Pan Collar Lace Trim Dress . It had a very vintage feel to it and I thought it could be a real asset to my wardrobe. When the dress arrived I was astounded by the quality of the material used. The site…

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Ahoy Sailor

Ahoy Sailor

I have always loved a bit of nautical themed clothing. In the past have had stripy tops and wide legged culottes, dresses with anchors and ships wheels on and even a marvellous dress covered in mermaids. Give me a gorgeous print and I am in my element but  sometimes a simplistic look is even…

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