Posts tagged ‘misslfire’
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I love handmade items. Knitted, sewn, quilted, you name it, I love it. Most of them I cannot do and would never ever attempt. I can create the prettiest cross-stitch designs yet I can’t sew a button on without messing it completely up. Therefore I am always in awe when I see hand crafted creations.…

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Loving Lulu

Loving Lulu

Recent Readers will have seen of my birthday purchases including some beautiful vintage style shoes from Lulu Hun in the Collectif sale.  If you missed it, you can read it all here  Well, the shoes arrived and I was absolutely thrilled with them. They were perfect for the outfits that I wanted to wear…

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If you knew Lulu…

If you knew Lulu…

If you know me, you will know I love shoes! I also have far too many pairs and I probably don’t really need any more but I can’t seem to help myself. Being the clothes horse that I am, I have two ‘shoe wardrobes’. I don’t literally have two wardrobes though. I have shoes…

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Tea, Carnaby and Genie

Tea, Carnaby and Genie

Turning back time to the Christmas of 2015, my blogger bestie Boo and I were due to visit Sketch London for afternoon tea. Sadly for various reasons we had to cancel, with the intention of going at a later date. Up until now we hadn’t managed to reschedule it, so when we talking about…

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